Tune in to our next AnVIL Demo!
Join us to see a highlight of what you can do on the NHGRI Analysis, Visualization, and Informatics Lab-space (AnVIL), a cloud-based computing platform for genomic data science. AnVIL Demos will start out with a 30-minute demonstration on the platform followed by open time for Q&A and user support.
The demos will highlight a range of topics, from a capability of the platform to a scientific analysis powered by AnVIL. If you’re interested in showcasing how you use AnVIL at a future AnVIL Demos session, reach out to Natalie Kucher (nkucher3@jhu.edu).
After the demo, we’ll open up the floor to answer questions about the demo and to answer any general questions you might have about AnVIL.
April Demo: Using the Human Pangenome on AnVIL
Julian Lucas from the Human Pangenome Reference Consortium (HPRC) will present about the consortium and lead the demo, covering the following:
Ask your questions about the demo presented. AnVIL and Terra support will be on the call to answer any questions about AnVIL you might have!
✏️ Sign up for more demos: https://forms.gle/7CcaLE9AM7FrYqpP7
Learn about the upcoming AnVIL events at https://anvilproject.org/events!