[Case 9802239181] Customer Added Communication: Limit Increase: VPC

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the content is safe. Limit increase request 1 Service: VPC Region: US East (Northern Virginia) Limit name: VPCs per Region New limit value: 20 ------------ Use case description: We are benchmarking our workloads and using dedicated EKS clusters for isolation. To do this in parallel, we'd need ability to create more VPCs. ======================================= To contact us again about this case, please return to the AWS Support Center using the following URL: https://console.aws.amazon.com/support/home?#/case/?caseId=9802239181&displayId=9802239181&language=en (If you will connect by federation, log in before following the link.) *Please note: this e-mail was sent from an address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please use the link above if you need to contact us again about this same issue. Amazon Web Services, Inc. is an affiliate of Amazon.com, Inc. Some of the content and links in this email may have been generated by an Amazon customer. Amazon is not responsible for the contents or links within.
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Amazon Web Services